Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hour Glass

One day at a time. Day by day time rolls by like the crashing waves of the sea. Why do I do nothing of value? I let each moment slip away with nothing to show for it. There is only an hour glass full of moments in my life, and each time another grain of sand passes through the funnel I can choose whether or not to make that grain count for something. If I split my grains into two piles, one would tower over the other, my wasted time. The times that I have spent thinking about the good old days, or the days to come, rather than living in the moment. The time I spend making myself seem greater, and putting my own interests before any others. The smaller pile of grains, although small, is far more glorious. Those are the times when I took life when it came and in doing so I glorified the one who gives the moments. Those were the times when life stopped being about me, and I started living for something greater. When will I get it? When will I finally stop trying to run my life and instead live it. I want life, true life, life to the fullest. I want every second to count toward something greater than myself. I want for my entire being to honor and exalt the one who offered me life. It is time for a change, not only in my life, but in the lives of this entire generation. Something is coming, something far greater than we can dream or imagine. But this generation will be the ones to take action, the ones to fight, the ones who are no longer afraid. We will rise up and take a stand, and in doing so, live.

John 10:10 (ESV)
The thief comes only to
steal and kill and destroy.
I came that they may have
life and have it abundantly.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

All Dolled Up

Once again, all dolled up and nowhere to go. I often get home from a long day at work, or hard day at school and decide that I want to do something special for the evening, so I do my hair, and my makeup, usually I put on a dress, and discover that I have nowhere to go. I might call several friends, then after many disappointments, give up. I will stand in front of the mirror one more time and sigh, as I let down my hair, wash my freshly done face, and put on my Superman pajamas. When I crawl into bed that night I always feel like I missed out. Even though there was nothing to be done, I feel like I got ready for a grand evening then did not have an opportunity to go through with it. Tonight I am in that situation again. I end up feeling lonely, and like I'm back to square one. A lot of times this is the same with Christianity for me. I feel like I get all ready for things, then opportunity's don't come up. I go to a class, read a book, do a study, and all these things should lead up to a grand time for me to use them, but the majority of the time it doesn't and I feel like I've missed something. I go over and over looking for opportunity's that might have been there. But none ever come to pass. There are many times when I go to bed feeling left out. I ask God if he forgot to involve me in his plans. But what I found is that I find joy in dressing up. I love to do my hair, and makeup. Even if there is nothing for me to do later, it was fun, and I wouldn't call it a waste, maybe just... practice. So maybe God didn't forget to involve me, maybe he was just getting in some practice before a bigger night where I need to know what I'm doing. (By the way, during this blog, I got a text from a friend saying "Party at my house tonight?" Isn't it funny how God does that?)

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer
to everyone who asks you to give the reason
for the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect,
(emphasis added)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


As I sat here in the cool dark evening creating this blog, the question arose of what it would be called. I sat and brooded about it for a few moments before referring to my favorite site, I looked to the side of the page and saw the word of the day: aubade - a song greeting the dawn. Somehow the word just kept ringing through my head. A song greeting the dawn. That is what I want to be. I want to be that song that sings to greet the dawn. This morning as I was driving to school I gasped at the beauty of the morning. The sky was a light creamy blue that faded into a pale chalky pink which pointed straight to the bright yellow sun. It's times such as these where my soul cannot hep but sing to greet the majestic morning. I then turned my focus on the Son, the Son of God. Jesus is the light, he is the dawn. Our world is covered in darkness, but when he returns it will be like the dawn. And I want to be one that is singing and praising his name. I want to be a song of greeting to the dawn. Maybe this all didn't occur to me as I chose the word, but it keeps growing on me. It always astounds me, how much meaning can fit into one small word. You can write thousands upon thousands of words on account of one small word. Well this is the start of my journey here for anyone to read and listen to my heart. Let nothing be wasted, take everything you have and offer it to those who do not have, sing, dance, laugh, be volnerable, hold others high, smile at your reflection, and most of all glorify God.

Isaiah 58:8
Then shall your light break forth like the dawn,
and your healing shall spring up speedily;
your righteousness shall go before you;
the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.